Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Identifying Communities

Identifying Communities

For the Writer’s Choice piece, I chose the Unit 2 Blog assignment. I chose this piece because I really had a lot of fun writing it. For this writing assignment, we were prompted to, ““Look into the ways one of your daily activities connects you to a community of people. Examine when and how the differences among individuals test a group’s ability to stick together.” This was a fun way to look at how the place where I work is a community. Before doing the community unity, my definition of a community would have been, “the place in which we live”. The essays and discussions in the community unit, have helped me see that a community much more than the at an activity The identity unit really helped me to realize what it means to be in a community. The statement “Commitment to good patient care and the teamwork and community involvement, show there’s some real values in this community” best describes how this community works together. I enjoyed examining at my workplace as a community and I hope you enjoy my Community Involvement piece!


  1. Great insights- this is a great example of community! While most of us would consider our places of work a community, you've taken it a couple of steps further by showing how the interaction (both positive and negative)between co-workers, the aspects of patient care (both how it benefits patients and rewards you), and how your community steps outside its boundaries to reach out to other communities in need, all work together. I've really enjoyed looking through your portfolio and participating on your team, Kathi.

  2. I really enjoyed reading your whole portfolio! In this post you describe the assignment an state your own opinion! :)
